Summary of the 1st Joint Webinar “New perspectives on irregular migration in Europe”

Summary of the 1st Joint Webinar “New perspectives on irregular migration in Europe”

On October 18 2023, from 13:00 to 14:00 CET, the Horizon Europe projects carrying out studies of irregular migration in Europe hosted the first installment of their online webinar series on Irregular Migration. The event was skillfully moderated by Michele Levoy (PICUM) and featured a distinguished panel including Albert Kraler (University for Continuing Education Krems – MIrreM project), Tesselte de Lange (Radboud University – DignityFirm project), Martin Ruhs (European University Institute – PRIME project), Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham,  I-CLAIM project), and Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht University,  I-CLAIM project).

During this insightful discussion, the experts emphasised the significance of irregular migration within the context of the political economy of migration. They explored how it is intricately connected to patterns of legal, social, and economic inequality, both in Europe and beyond. The dialogue underscored that ‘migrant irregularity’ is not solely the result of broader migration drivers but, associated with legal precarity, is profoundly produced by the legal and policy frameworks governing migration, as established by states. 

Furthermore, the webinar delved into the multifaceted interaction between the irregular status of migrants, broader social and economic dynamics, and regulatory frameworks in various domains. It elucidated how these factors collectively mold the concrete working and living conditions of migrants in irregular situations, thereby defining what it means to be in such a situation.

In summary, this webinar provided different perspectives on ‘migrant irregularity,’ how irregular migration is embedded and shaped by broader societal developments, and how innovative research approaches are contributing to a deeper understanding of this phenomenon. Ultimately, these insights offer new avenues for policy change and improvements in the living and working conditions of irregular migrants. 

For those who missed the live event, the recording is available on the common channel of YouTube, providing a valuable resource for gaining insights into these complex issues. This webinar series and the related projects are funded by the European Union.